Xenomai API  2.6.5
Signals services.

Signals management services. More...

Collaboration diagram for Signals services.:


int sigemptyset (sigset_t *set)
 Initialize and empty a signal set. More...
int sigfillset (sigset_t *set)
 Initialize and fill a signal set. More...
int sigaddset (sigset_t *set, int sig)
 Add a signal to a signal set. More...
int sigdelset (sigset_t *set, int sig)
 Delete a signal from a signal set. More...
int sigismember (const sigset_t *set, int sig)
 Test for a signal in a signal set. More...
int sigaction (int sig, const struct sigaction *act, struct sigaction *oact)
 Examine and change a signal action. More...
int pthread_kill (pthread_t thread, int sig)
 Send a signal to a thread. More...
int pthread_sigqueue_np (pthread_t thread, int sig, union sigval value)
 Queue a signal to a thread. More...
int sigpending (sigset_t *set)
 Examine pending signals. More...
int pthread_sigmask (int how, const sigset_t *set, sigset_t *oset)
 Examine and change the set of signals blocked by a thread. More...
int sigwait (const sigset_t *set, int *sig)
 Wait for signals. More...
int sigwaitinfo (const sigset_t *__restrict__ set, siginfo_t *__restrict__ info)
 Wait for signals. More...
int sigtimedwait (const sigset_t *__restrict__ set, siginfo_t *__restrict__ info, const struct timespec *__restrict__ timeout)
 Wait during a bounded time for signals. More...

Detailed Description

Signals management services.

Signals are asynchronous notifications delivered to a process or thread. Such notifications occur as the result of an exceptional event or at the request of another process.

The services documented here are reserved to Xenomai kernel-space threads, user-space threads switch to secondary mode when handling signals, and use Linux regular signals services.

Xenomai POSIX skin signals are implemented as real-time signals, meaning that they are queued when posted several times to a thread before the first notification is handled, and that each signal carry additional data in a siginfo_t object. In order to ensure consistence with user-space signals, valid signals number range from 1 to SIGRTMAX, signals from SIGRTMIN to SIGRTMAX being higher priority than signals from 1 to SIGRTMIN-1. As a special case, signal 0 may be used with services pthread_kill() and pthread_sigqueue_np() to check if a thread exists, but entails no other action.

The action to be taken upon reception of a signal depends on the thread signal mask, (see pthread_sigmask()), and on the settings described by a sigaction structure (see sigaction()).

Function Documentation

int pthread_kill ( pthread_t  thread,
int  sig 

Send a signal to a thread.

This service send the signal sig to the Xenomai POSIX skin thread thread (created with pthread_create()). If sig is zero, this service check for existence of the thread thread, but no signal is sent.

threadthread identifier;
sigsignal number.
0 on success;
an error number if:
  • EINVAL, sig is an invalid signal number;
  • EAGAIN, the maximum number of pending signals has been exceeded;
  • ESRCH, thread is an invalid thread identifier.
See also

References XNBREAK, xnpod_resume_thread(), xnpod_schedule(), xnpod_suspend_thread(), xnpod_unblock_thread(), and XNSUSP.

int pthread_sigmask ( int  how,
const sigset_t *  set,
sigset_t *  oset 

Examine and change the set of signals blocked by a thread.

The signal mask of a thread is the set of signals that are blocked by this thread.

If oset is not NULL, this service stores, at the address oset the current signal mask of the calling thread.

If set is not NULL, this service sets the signal mask of the calling thread according to the value of how, as follow:

  • if how is SIG_BLOCK, the signals in set are added to the calling thread signal mask;
  • if how is SIG_SETMASK, the calling thread signal mask is set to set;
  • if how is SIG_UNBLOCK, the signals in set are removed from the calling thread signal mask.

If some signals are unblocked by this service, they are handled before this service returns.

howif set is not null, a value indicating how to interpret set;
setif not null, a signal set that will be used to modify the calling thread signal mask;
osetif not null, address where the previous value of the calling thread signal mask will be stored on success.
0 on success;
an error number if:
  • EPERM, the calling context is invalid;
Valid contexts:
  • Xenomai POSIX skin kernel-space thread.
See also

References xnpod_schedule().

int pthread_sigqueue_np ( pthread_t  thread,
int  sig,
union sigval  value 

Queue a signal to a thread.

This service send the signal sig to the Xenomai POSIX skin thread thread (created with pthread_create()), with the value value. If sig is zero, this service check for existence of the thread thread, but no signal is sent.

This service is equivalent to the POSIX service sigqueue(), except that the signal is directed to a thread instead of being directed to a process.

threadthread identifier,
sigsignal number,
valueadditional datum passed to thread with the signal sig.
0 on success;
an error number if:
  • EINVAL, sig is an invalid signal number;
  • EAGAIN, the maximum number of pending signals has been exceeded;
  • ESRCH, thread is an invalid thread identifier.
See also
sigqueue() specification.

References xnpod_schedule().

int sigaction ( int  sig,
const struct sigaction *  act,
struct sigaction *  oact 

Examine and change a signal action.

The sigaction structure descibes the actions to be taken upon signal delivery. A sigaction structure is associated with every signal, for the kernel-space as a whole.

If oact is not NULL, this service returns at the address oact, the current value of the sigaction structure associated with the signal sig.

If act is not NULL, this service set to the value pointed to by act, the sigaction structure associated with the signal sig.

The structure sigaction has the following members:

  • sa_flags, is a bitwise OR of the flags;
    • SA_RESETHAND, meaning that the signal handler will be reset to SIG_GFL and SA_SIGINFO cleared upon reception of a signal,
    • SA_NODEFER, meaning that the signal handler will be called with the signal sig not masked when handling the signal sig,
    • SA_SIGINFO, meaning that the member sa_sigaction of the sigaction structure will be used as a signal handler instead of sa_handler
  • sa_mask, of type sigset_t, is the value to which the thread signals mask will be set during execution of the signal handler (sig is automatically added to this set if SA_NODEFER is not set in sa_flags);
  • sa_handler, of type void (*)(int) is the signal handler which will be called upon signal delivery if SA_SIGINFO is not set in sa_flags, or one of SIG_IGN or SIG_DFL, meaning that the signal will be respectively ignored or handled with the default handler;
  • sa_sigaction, of type void (*)(int, siginfo_t *, void *) is the signal handler which will be called upon signal delivery if SA_SIGINFO is set in sa_flags.

When using sa_handler as a signal handler, it is passed the number of the received signal, when using sa_sigaction, two additional arguments are passed:

  • a pointer to a siginfo_t object, containing additional information about the received signal;
  • a void pointer, always null in this implementation.

The following members of the siginfo_t structure are filled by this implementation:

  • si_signo, the signal number;
  • si_code, the provenance of the signal, one of:
  • si_value, an additional datum, of type union sigval.
siga signal number;
actif not null, description of the action to be taken upon notification of the signal sig;
oactif not null, address where the previous description of the signal action is stored on success.
Return values
0on sucess;
-1with errno set if:
  • EINVAL, sig is an invalid signal number;
  • ENOTSUP, the sa_flags member of act contains other flags than SA_RESETHAND, SA_NODEFER and SA_SIGINFO;
See also
int sigaddset ( sigset_t *  set,
int  sig 

Add a signal to a signal set.

This service adds the signal number sig to the signal set pointed to by set.

setaddress of a signal set;
sigsignal to be added to set.
Return values
0on success;
-1with errno set if:
  • EINVAL, sig is not a valid signal number.
See also
int sigdelset ( sigset_t *  set,
int  sig 

Delete a signal from a signal set.

This service remove the signal number sig from the signal set pointed to by set.

setaddress of a signal set;
sigsignal to be removed from set.
Return values
0on success;
-1with errno set if:
  • EINVAL, sig is not a valid signal number.
See also
int sigemptyset ( sigset_t *  set)

Initialize and empty a signal set.

This service initializes ane empties the signal set pointed to by set.

setaddress of a the signal set to be initialized.
Return values
See also
int sigfillset ( sigset_t *  set)

Initialize and fill a signal set.

This service initializes ane fills the signal set pointed to by set.

setaddress of a the signal set to be filled.
Return values
See also
int sigismember ( const sigset_t *  set,
int  sig 

Test for a signal in a signal set.

This service tests whether the signal number sig is member of the signal set pointed to by set.

setaddress of a signal set;
sigtested signal number.
Return values
0on success;
-1with errno set if:
  • EINVAL, sig is not a valid signal number.
See also
int sigpending ( sigset_t *  set)

Examine pending signals.

This service stores, at the address set, the set of signals that are currently blocked and have been received by the calling thread.

setaddress where the set of blocked and received signals are stored on success.
Return values
0on success;
-1with errno set if:
  • EPERM, the calling context is invalid.
Valid contexts:
  • Xenomai POSIX skin kernel-space thread.
See also
int sigtimedwait ( const sigset_t *__restrict__  set,
siginfo_t *__restrict__  info,
const struct timespec *__restrict__  timeout 

Wait during a bounded time for signals.

This service is equivalent to the sigwaitinfo() service, except that the calling thread is only blocked until the timeout specified by timeout expires.

setset of signals to wait for;
infoaddress where the received siginfo_t object will be stored on success;
timeoutthe timeout, expressed as a time interval.
Return values
0on success;
-1with errno set if:
  • EINVAL, the specified timeout is invalid;
  • EPERM, the caller context is invalid;
  • EINVAL, a signal in set is not currently blocked;
  • EAGAIN, no signal was received and the specified timeout expired.
Valid contexts:
  • Xenomai POSIX skin kernel-space thread.
See also
int sigwait ( const sigset_t *  set,
int *  sig 

Wait for signals.

This service blocks a Xenomai kernel-space POSIX skin thread until a signal of the set set is received. If a signal in set is not currently blocked by the calling thread, this service returns immediately with an error. The signal received is stored at the address sig.

If a signal of the set set was already pending, it is cleared and this service returns immediately.

Signals are received in priority order, i.e. from SIGRTMIN to SIGRTMAX, then from 1 to SIGRTMIN-1.

setset of signals to wait for;
sigaddress where the received signal will be stored on success.
0 on success;
an error number if:
  • EPERM, the caller context is invalid;
  • EINVAL, a signal in set is not currently blocked.
Valid contexts:
  • Xenomai POSIX skin kernel-space thread.
See also
int sigwaitinfo ( const sigset_t *__restrict__  set,
siginfo_t *__restrict__  info 

Wait for signals.

This service is equivalent to the sigwait() service, except that it returns, at the address info, the siginfo_t object associated with the received signal instead of only returning the signal number.

setset of signals to wait for;
infoaddress where the received siginfo_t object will be stored on success.
Return values
0on success;
-1with errno set if:
  • EPERM, the caller context is invalid;
  • EINVAL, a signal in set is not currently blocked.
Valid contexts:
  • Xenomai POSIX skin kernel-space thread.
See also